Policy for Taking Storing and Using Images of Children
At Albayan Schools, we always celebrate the achievements of all our pupils in their academic, artistic and sporting endeavors. We particularly welcome parents to our concerts (such as on Mother’s Day), plays and sporting events, as well as to more formal occasions during the school year (such as graduation).
The school walls are decorated with examples of students’ work, team photographs and photographs of trips and expeditions in which our students have participated.
Our website, Facebook and Instagram accounts, and YouTube channel are updated regularly. All parents are sent our news so they are up-to-date with the events of our active community.
We respect young people’s and adults’ rights of privacy and we are aware of child protection issues. We never use any image that might embarrass or humiliate a student. Students are always properly supervised when professional photographers visit the school. Parents are given the opportunity to purchase copies of these photographs.
We only use images of our students for the following purposes:
- Internal displays (including clips of moving images) on screens or noticeboards within the school premises.
- Communications with the school community, including newsletters (to parents, students, staff, governors and alumni).
- Publicizing the school digitally on the website, in the prospectus, at displays at educational fairs, and other presentation functions.
- Sharing school activities such as plays, concerts, sporting fixtures, prize giving, school trips etc. These images are only used in their proper context.